A Front-End Developer passionate about sharing programming knowledge with the community


Node.js File System Module: Reading, Writing, and Manipulating Files

The Node.js File System (fs) module provides a powerful API for interacting with the file system. Whether you need to read, write, or manipulate files, the fs module has you covered. In this blog, we'll explore the various methods available in the fs module and demonstrate how to use them effectively in your Node.js applications.
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Aditya Rawas
2 months ago

Understanding the Difference Between app.use and app.all in Express.js

When working with Express.js, two commonly used methods are app.use and app.all. While they might seem similar at first glance, they serve distinct purposes in middleware and route handling. Let’s dive into their differences to understand how and when to use each effectively.
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Aditya Rawas
2 months ago

Is Node.js Single-Threaded or Multi-Threaded? A Complete Guide for Developers

If you’ve ever wondered whether Node.js is single-threaded or multi-threaded, you’re not alone. This is a common question for developers diving into Node.js development. The answer? Node.js is single-threaded at its core but can leverage multi-threading for certain tasks. Let’s explore this topic in detail and uncover how Node.js handles concurrency.
Written By
Aditya Rawas
3 months ago

Understanding the Journey of JavaScript Code: From Source to Execution

JavaScript is a fascinating language, beloved for its versatility in building modern web applications. But have you ever wondered what happens when you write JavaScript code? How does it go from plain text in your editor to something the machine understands and executes? Let’s dive into this process, breaking it into manageable steps, and understand concepts like the AST, interpreter, compiler, and JIT (Just-in-Time) optimization
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Aditya Rawas
3 months ago

Understanding the Barrel Pattern in JavaScript/TypeScript

In large JavaScript and TypeScript projects, as the codebase grows, organizing modules and making imports manageable becomes crucial for maintainability and scalability. The Barrel Pattern offers a simple but effective way to simplify and streamline module exports and imports, especially in projects with complex directory structures. In this post, we’ll dive into the Barrel Pattern, understand its advantages, and see how to implement it effectively in TypeScript and JavaScript.
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Aditya Rawas
4 months ago

Understanding How `require` Works in CommonJS: A Deep Dive into Node.js Module Loading

Node.js is built on the CommonJS (CJS) module system, which enables developers to structure their applications using modules. This modularity is achieved through the `require` function, a key feature that allows one module to load and use functionality from another. But how does `require` actually work under the hood? In this blog, we’ll explore the mechanics of `require`, look into its internal implementation, and see how Node.js loads and manages modules efficiently.
Written By
Aditya Rawas
4 months ago

Creating Your First Go Module: Math Utilities

Go makes it easy to create reusable modules that you can import into other Go projects. In this guide, we will walk through how to create a Math Utilities module that offers basic mathematical operations, and then we'll use this module in a separate Go application.. In this blog, we'll explore the primary data types available in Go, providing examples and explanations along the way.
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Aditya Rawas
5 months ago

Demystifying Go's fmt.Sprintf(): A Practical Guide for Developers

Go’s 'fmt.Sprintf()' is an essential tool for formatting strings, and its roots lie in C’s 'printf' and 'scanf'. While C developers might find this function intuitive, others may find it confusing. In this post, I’ll break down Go's powerful 'fmt.Sprintf()' function, making it approachable and easier to use for everyone.
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Aditya Rawas
5 months ago

A Comprehensive Guide to Data Types in Go

One of the fundamental aspects of any programming language is its data types. In Go (often referred to as Golang), the variety of data types is designed to be simple and efficient, allowing developers to work effectively with numbers, strings, booleans, and more. Understanding Go's data types is crucial to building reliable and optimized applications. In this blog, we'll explore the primary data types available in Go, providing examples and explanations along the way.
Written By
Aditya Rawas
5 months ago

Understanding the Go Runtime: A Deep Dive

When we talk about Go, or Golang, we often emphasize its simplicity, efficiency, and strong concurrency model. However, behind the scenes, much of this power stems from the **Go runtime**, a core component that handles critical tasks like memory management, concurrency, and garbage collection. Understanding the Go runtime is key to appreciating why Go is so well-suited for high-performance applications. In this blog, we’ll dive into what the Go runtime is, how it works, and why it’s crucial for Go developers to be aware of it.
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Aditya Rawas
5 months ago

How to Install Go on Linux, macOS, and Windows: A Friendly Guide

If you're excited to start coding in Go (Golang), you’re in the right place! In this easy-to-follow guide, I’ll help you install Go on Linux, macOS, and Windows. Before we jump into the installation process, **head over to the official Go website** and grab the version compatible with your operating system:
Written By
Aditya Rawas
5 months ago

Understanding Implicit and Explicit Coercion in JavaScript

In JavaScript, data often needs to be converted from one type to another—such as from a string to a number or from a boolean to a string. This process is called type coercion, and it can happen in two main ways: implicit and explicit coercion. While JavaScript tries to make things convenient with automatic type conversions, these can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior if you’re not careful. In this blog, we’ll explore implicit and explicit coercion in JavaScript, look at examples, and discuss when each approach is best suited.
Written By
Aditya Rawas
5 months ago

How to Kill Processes and Free Up Ports on Mac, Windows, and Linux

Have you ever encountered a situation where you needed to free up a port on your system but found it stubbornly held by a process? Whether you're on Mac, Windows, or Linux, here's a guide to gracefully handling this common issue.
Written By
Aditya Rawas
5 months ago

Understanding CSS Units: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn the fundamentals of CSS units to create precise, flexible, and responsive web designs. This comprehensive guide covers both absolute and relative units, explaining when and how to use each. Enhance your web development skills and ensure your designs look great on any device and screen size.
Written By
Aditya Rawas
8 months ago